Thursday, August 14, 2008


I was finally able to pickup the package from my apartment office and, sure enough it was the harp! All my fears about how it would come are gone! It looks beautiful! The styling is much like my old 15 bar Chromaharp, but MUCH nicer!

But, alas, there are two problems with it. First, the harp has a fine-tuning system that uses a hex key to turn them. The hex key that came with the harp is too big to fit in and turn them. The second problem is that I was supposed to get my “deluxe” electronic tuner. But there’s no turner. I’ve emailed this info to the Autoharp Store and we’ll see what they say. When I ordered the harp they told me it would be another week or two before I’d see the case. But it’s all coming together! This is exciting!

I’m going to have to return the cord that goes between the harp and the turner to my local Acoustic Music store because the harp comes with the cord and a 9 volt battery for the built in pickup. No problem!

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